Estuches completos Envirosax - Van Gogh
Estuches completos Envirosax - Van Gogh
Súper resistentes, han sido probadas para soportar más de 44 libras. Estas bolsas ecológicas están hechas de poliéster liviano y resistente y están diseñadas para soportar cargas pesadas. Son resistentes al agua y tienen costuras reforzadas.
Un excelente sustituto de las bolsas de plástico. Cada bolsa contiene cómodamente el equivalente a dos o tres bolsas de plástico para la compra.
Una variedad de usos, desde una bolsa para hacer compras, una bolsa de viaje, una bolsa de playa, una bolsa de arte, una bolsa de tejido, una bolsa de Halloween... ¡Una excelente opción para todo uso!
La bolsa multiusos perfecta: un gran regalo de Navidad o de vacaciones. Perfecto como regalo de despedida de soltera para mujeres y niñas. ¡Un accesorio elegante para todos los días!
Se pliega hasta quedar en un tamaño muy pequeño, de 5 cm (2 in), y pesa solo 45 g (1,4 oz). Cada bolsa abierta mide 49,5 x 42,5 cm (19,5 x 16,5 in). Es fácil de plegar y llevar en el bolso, la cartera o la mochila del colegio.
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I always buy this bag and never disappoint. Very light very strong .
my first set of envirosax bags was purchased so many years ago I cannot recall and every single one of them remains in great shape. I purchased this set to break up as gifts and was happy to see the same great quality combined with beautiful patterns.
Received a set of Envirosax several years ago as a Christmas gift. It is the gift that keeps on giving. I have two bags in my handbag at all times and they are a great asset. I think so highly of these reusable sacs I am giving them as a gift this year. Who ever thought of theses to begin with is a genius. Thank you.
Good construction easy to carry in a purse or backpack
first bought 2 envirosax 12yrs ago from our Queensland State (Australia) Art Gallery store and they are as good as new - usually the tie clips fail but not on these gems - use them for shopping, travel etc (they take up no room and are hardy) i keep them in my bag for that planned or unplanned purchase etc and have come in handy on so many occasions. Bought another 5 pack for myself and 2 other 5 packs for gifts - one of the best purchases - attractive artwork on these bags too👍